Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Torah Hangouts ~ coming soon to a computer near YOU!!

Weekly online Torah study will begin Sunday, October 5th from 4-5pm with Kyle!

What are Torah Hangouts?

We'll "meet up" every Sunday via computer in a Google Hangout, which is basically like Skype only with multiple people! Kyle will guide you on an adventure through the Torah's greatest hits.

How do I join a Torah Hangout?
  1. Before Sunday, create a Google account for yourself. Click here to sign up. 
  2. Send Kyle an email (kdlebell@gmail.com) from your Google account letting her know that you want to do Torah Hangouts.
  3. On Sunday at 3:55pm, set up your computer and sign into your Google account. Make sure you have internet, working video/audio, and a pair of headphones. Have a TaNaKh, a pen, and a piece of paper ready.
  4. Wait for Kyle to call you!!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Welcome to FLP!

We had an exciting day of learning yesterday with our teachers and Rabbi Rebecca!

HHD at IKAR are almost here!
Here is the link to the children's programming if you haven't already signed them up:

Our next official program is scheduled for:
Saturday, October 11

4:00 PM-6:00 PM at IKAR

Sukkot/Simchat Torah Learning (kids only)
Parent Optional Learning

The first Shabbat b'Yahad: Shabbat Together of the year is November 21, 6:15pm – 9:30pm

Please indicate in the comments section whether you are interested in going so that we can all coordinate together!

Thank you!


For Shabbat October 11th:

We will continue our learning with pages 27-32.

You have the option to skip back and read the chapter from this week's learning on pages 12-24.

We would love for all parents who intend to be involved in our regular learning, to buy a copy of this book.

Here is the link to the book on Amazon: