#2 October 12th-Bereshit

In the Beginning...
  1. 1. Every year we read the Torah, reading a chapter every week. The holiday Simhat Torah is coming this week. On that day we will finish the last chapter of the Torah and read the first parashah of the Torah. We will begin our Torah study with the first parashahבראשית BʼreiSheet. 
  2. 2. Turn to page 1 in your TaNaKh or Humash. Look at the top of the page. There you will find the book and parashah title - ʻGenesis.ʼ This is a fancy way of saying creation (for example, you create a piece of art). The Hebrew name for this parashah is בראשית which means “in the beginning”. What do these two parashah titles tell us about this first story in the Torah? 
  3. 3. Read the first line in Hebrew 3 times. Using the English to help you, what is the Hebrew word for heaven and the Hebrew word for earth? 
  4. 4. Now read in English through Chapter 2, line 4. Illustrate what God creates on each day. You can draw or write it out. 
  5. 5. Discussion Questions: 
    1. 1. Thereʼs something strange going on... On the first day, God creates light 
      and on the fourth day, God creates the sun, moon and stars. What kind of 
      light could God have made on the first day?? 
    2. 2. What do you think it means that God created man bʼtzelem elohim - in 
      Godʼs image? 
  1. 1. What are the English and Hebrew words for the first parashah of the Torah? What do they mean? 
  2. 2. On which holiday to we start reading the Torah from the beginning? 
  3. 3. What is the first line of the whole Torah (in Hebrew)? 
  4. 4. What does God create on the first day? the 2nd? 3rd? 4th? 5th? 6th? What 
    does God do on the 7th day? 
What do you think it means that God created man bʼtzelem elohim - in the image of God? 


  1. Kyle said:

    You might be wondering "what's the difference between a parashah and chapter?" or "what's the difference between a book and a chapter?" Here's a break-down for you:

    BOOK: There are 5 books in the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) .The Hebrew word for the first book is בראשית.

    PARASHAH = The section of Torah that we read during the week and chant on Shabbat morning from the Torah scroll.

    CHAPTER = A section of a parashah that is numbered.

    VERSE = A single line of a chapter that is numbered.

    Hayden and Madi said:
    G-d is making people look physically ("in his image") and mentally ("in his likeness") as he would imagine that they need to be to survive the earth. It could also mean that G-d is in your heart and everywhere in your body. Also, you get "likeness" from other people and you should give "likeness" to other people too.

    Emily said:
    Hayden and Madi:
    I love the last statement that you made. What a beautiful idea that we get and give our own "likeness" we get some from our family and friends and hopefully they get some from us as well.
    Great job!

  2. What do you think it means that God created man b'telem elohim - in the image of God? Julian: In this first parashah, we learn everything God thinks and says comes true. So if God makes us in his image, that means we can do that too. His imagination is his greatest tool and his only tool to make something when there's nothing.

    1. I love this, Julian! What kind of things do you think that eventually come true? How do you use your creativity and imagination to be in the image of God?

  3. Zuzu and Griffin said:
    G-d created man to be like him becuase he would want to create someone who had his same intelligence and abilities, so that he would enjoy being around him. It would be frustrating to have the person you created, to rule the whole earth and everything on it, not be very smart and who did not have the knowlege of how to till the earth and name the animals.

  4. Henry: I think G-d created man to be like him so you could always feel close to G-d. This way you can always get help that you may need from G-d because his power would be inside of you.
