#3 October 19th-Noah


  1. We discussed what it meant for Noah to be a righteous man "in his generation." Madi thought MLK was a righteous man in his generation. Hayden thought it was not possible for a slave-owner to be a righteous man in his generation. H&M both thought that Abraham was more righteous than Noah, because Noah could have tried to save all the people instead of just building an arc for his family.

    1. What great thoughts comparing contemporary figures to our biblical characters! Hayden I wonder if because slavery was so common, could a slave-owner be a righteous person if they treated their slaves fairly? Gave them the weekend off, holiday bonuses?
      Let me know what you think!

      When we look back to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah I want you to keep this idea of saving people in mind!

  2. Carly says:
    In the passage it says that Noah was a righteous man. And every other man was wicked. So, God decided that if he destroyed everyone then at least Noah should be saved because he was a good man. God planned to recreate the world by saving 2 of every animal and Noah's family.

  3. Will says:
    God decided to save only Noah because he was a righteous man and he wasn't wicked like the other men. God decided to save two of every animal so they could make babies and they could make a whole species of babies. God didn't save anyone else because they were all wicked and would have killed people and so God needed to kill them to save future people.
